Prior to entering into contract with CHC, the project owner is required to accept the CHC Terms of Service. Please make sure that you have read and understood the terms before you sign the contract.
You are not allowed to use the CHC brand, name or logo unless you have an agreement with CHC
The CHC logo can be downloaded via You are not allowed to alter or crop the logo. If the version needed is not available, please contact us with your request.
The CHC brand, name or logo cannot be used as a means to secure funding for research projects unless there is an agreement or contract with CHC that we will take part in the specific project.
CHC should always be mentioned as either:
A) First/only mention: “Center for Humanities Computing, Aarhus University”
Following mentions: “Center for Humanities Computing”
B) First/only mention: “Center for Humanities Computing, Aarhus University (CHC)”
Following mentions: “CHC”
CHC is to be acknowledged when taking part in a research project
Acknowledgement details can be agreed upon prior to project initiation and can be expressed as co-authorship of papers/publications for individuals, acknowledgement of CHC in papers/publications, mentioning on project website etc. The details of acknowledgement are specified for each project and subject to change during the project if the service provided by CHC changes.
By default, the Project Owner is responsible for adding the following acknowledgment statement to articles, papers, and other project mentions (ex., project website): `This work was completed in part with resources provided by Center for Humanities Computing at Aarhus University.'
Center for humanities Computing (unit 2833) and individuals who have taken part in the research project are also to be added to the project's pure website as collaborators.
CHC may want to feature your research project on and ask you for a quote or testimonial to include in a news story or on a page featuring your project. You are expected to provide this minimal contribution if asked. CHC expects to be featured in online project descriptions and will happily provide similar content and information on the service we have provided for you to use on your website. Please also make sure that you insert a link to when mentioning Center for Humanities Computing anywhere online.
Planned meetings are to be held or cancelled within an acceptable time frame. If you are unable to attend the meetings planned as part of the project and don't cancel, the hours will be subtracted from the time allocated to your project. It is not an option to pool hours together and claim them later.
You can only expect to receive the service agreed upon in the contract. Unforeseen issues, additions, and great ideas are welcome but require renegotiation of contract, ensuring that the project is allocated the hours and technical prerequisites necessary to complete the work. Additional costs accrued by project rescoping and renegotiation are covered by the Project Owner.
The project contract with CHC will always have some form of contingency plan ensuring that the parties are protected as best possible against unforeseen issues and technical obstacles. For larger projects the plan should contain a risk assessment and action plan to ensure that also 3rd party issues beyond the control of the project partners are taken into account.
Project owner is responsible for data
CHC offer two modes of research collaboration that enables reseachers to customize the collaboration to their level of expertise:
The Project Owner defines a set of well-defined deliverables and a timeline in collaboration with CHC. CHC provides the deliverables according to the timeline. This collaboration mode is CHC’s default an targets any researcher in need of programming and analysis support for their project.
The Project Owner is allocated a research software engineer upstream for a specific time period. The typical researcher to engage with this collboration mode is the advanced user that manages project design, timeline and deliverable themselves, but needs an additional pair of hands for programming and data management.
Only the appointed team lead at CHC can make decisions about a project. Team members should not be asked to do anything beyond the scope of contract with CHC. Recognise that team members might find it hard to turn down demands due to unequal power relations. If you have an idea, requests, changes etc, you should always reach out to your CHC team lead. The CHC team lead will handle any changes to the contract and communication with the team member(s) assigned to your project. Any complaints should also be addressed to the CHC team lead.
Project changes imposed on team members without the knowledge of the CHC team lead may result in additional charges.
At CHC we are dependent on the work of our talented student team members and we care deeply about their wellbeing and “study-work-life-balance”. Our collaborators are expected to respect, that student team members only work part time and are not available all the time. Their main job is to be students, and cannot be expected to put in the same amount of hours as a full time employee. This is especially relevant during exams. Contact your CHC team lead if you have concerns with the hours put in or the timeframe of the project.
By working in CHC, collaborating with us, participating in event organized by, or using a platform developed or maintained by CHC, you accept to abide by CHC's Code of Conduct and accept the procedures by which any Code of Conduct incidents are resolved.
Failure to comply with the Terms of Service will result in CHC contacting the Project Owner and the Head of Department at Culture, Cognition and Computation. Persistent failure to comply with the terms of service will result in CHC terminating the project at the expense of the Project Owner.
Terms of Service, Version 1.3, updated 30-06-2023