
As a proud member of The Carpentries, CHC is committed to empowering researchers and students with foundational coding and data science skills essential for modern research. Our affiliation with The Carpentries reflects our dedication to high-quality, hands-on learning experiences that are meticulously designed to enhance computational competencies across disciplines.

The Carpentries is a globally recognized network focused on developing and providing workshops that teach software development and data science skills. Their approach is rooted in pedagogy that emphasizes interactive, learner-centered teaching methods. By integrating The Carpentries workshops into our Competency Development services, CHC offers access to a comprehensive curriculum that includes Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry workshops. These workshops cover a wide range of topics, from basic programming in Python and R, to data analysis and visualization, and version control using Git, all tailored to meet the specific needs of researchers.

Our collaboration with The Carpentries enables participants to learn in an inclusive, supportive environment facilitated by certified Carpentries instructors from our own community. These workshops are not just about acquiring technical skills; they're about fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration that participants can carry forward into their research and professional lives.

By offering Carpentries workshops, CHC aims to democratize access to digital tools and techniques, empowering our community to tackle the challenges of digital research with confidence and creativity. Whether you're new to coding or looking to enhance your data science skills, our Carpentries workshops provide the foundational knowledge you need to advance your research in an increasingly data-driven world.