New visiting PhD at CHC: Kristian Kjelmann
New visiting PhD at CHC to collaborate on the study of immigrant discourses.

Kristian Kjelmann is a PhD student from the Department of Sociology and Social Work at Aalborg University studying the importance of the local community in labour market integration of immigrants, and he will be staying at Center for Humanities Computing January-April 2023 to collaborate on the study of immigrant discourses.
Kristian is a PhD student and part of the Nordforsk funded project "Network Dynamics of Ethnic Integration". Scholars from both social science and computer science participate in the project, combining solid subject-specific social-scientific expertise with advanced computational and network-scientific approaches to gain novel policy-relevant insights on ethnic relations and integration in our contemporary Nordic societies.
Kristian's own project focuses on the labour market integration of first-generation immigrants with a specific emphasis on the initial receiving community. He is interested in how available text data sources (local policy documents, local news media) may provide insights into the immigrant discourses surrounding immigrant-receiving communities, how they may change over time and how they interact with labour market outcomes for immigrants.
Kristian is also doing research support in a CHC sibling initiative called CALDISS, and to many of us at CHC, he's a familiar face due to several collaborations during the past years.
Welcome, Kristian