Welcome Bjarke Vognstrup Fog – New Teaching Assistant Professor

We are very happy to officially welcome Bjarke Vognstrup Fog to the CHC team. Most of you are already familiar with Bjarke, as he has been a valued affiliation of CHC for about two years. Since August, Bjarke has stepped into a new dual role as Teaching Assistant Professor and developer.
In this new position, which is shared between CHC and the Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Bjarke’s primary responsibility within CHC will focus on web development projects. This includes constructing and managing websites for initiatives such as EPIC-WE and Computing Antiquity, as well as creating tools for data gathering and management in web-related research projects like Golden Imprints.
Bjarke’s role is part of CHC’s strategy to leverage his expertise in establishing a more permanent web team. This initiative will facilitate larger projects that span multiple years ensuring consistent workflows, providing a knowledge base that can be shared across individual projects, and fostering the development of best practices. Bjarke will not be responsible for this work alone; he will closely collaborate with Peter Vahlstrup, our Web Development Team Leader, as well as various project PIs.
I am particularly interested in the creation of working systems, engaging with stakeholders, applying design patterns, and managing deployment environments to ensure smooth system launches. This role also gives me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge of server management and learn new programming frameworks and techniques. I look forward to continuing to work closely with the talented and friendly people at CHC.
Bjarke holds a master’s degree in Information Studies from Aarhus University. In 2023, he defended his PhD dissertation titled Casting the runes and parsing them: Unpacking software mediation, interactions, and computational literacy in non-conventional programming configurations. Beyond his research interests, he enjoys teaching and have taught numerous courses since starting as a teaching assistant in 2014, mostly related to programming, systems development, and design. He will continue to engage in teaching as part of his role.
We are thrilled to have Bjarke as a permanent member of our team, and like him, we look forward to continuing our great work together. Welcome, Bjarke, to your new role at CHC as a developer, as you put it yourself.