Welcome Sara Kolding - new PhD student at CHC

We are very happy to welcome Sara onboard as our new PhD student. Most of you probably already know Sara as she has been "hanging around" CHC for the past year or so working as a research assistant with the PSYCOP group.

Officially joining CHC as a PhD student in October Sara's studies wil be focusing on detecting declining physical health in individuals with mental illness, as well as investigating and mitigating biases in clinical text data.

Sara graduated from Aarhus University in 2023 with a MSc in Cognitive Science and throughout her studies had a couple of research assistant jobs, including in the PSYCOP group (also known as Søren Dinesen’s psychiatry/ML group). She has been working with the group on data preprocessing and modelling, as well as carrying out a project on prediction of coercive interventions during psychiatric admissions, using machine learning and NLP.

We are very exited to have Sara - a familiar face - continue as part of the CHC team in her new role, and we very much look forward to working with you. Welcome Sara, to CHC - now as a PhD student