Welcome to Kasper Fyhn - new research assistant at CHC

Kasper joined CHC on 1. September as a research assistant and as part of the Machine Learning Team.

Kasper Fyhn joined CHC on 1. September as a research assistant and as part of the Machine Learning Team. Kasper will be working the project Narrative Knowledge Graph Extraction.

"I graduated from Aarhus University in 2020 with an MA degree in Linguistics. After a few years in the industry where I have worked with NLP and software engineering more generally, I have found my way back to the university as a research assistant at Center for Humanities Computing where I am to involved in research with associate professor Rebekah Baglini about modeling causal narratives in news and social media using computational methods.

As chance would have it, I have familiarized myself with methods and tools through my work as an NLP Engineer that are highly applicable to the research projecs. These include setting up and maintaining large-scale NLP pipelines as well as extensive work on knowledge graphs, word/phrase embeddings, entity extraction and disambiguation, all while resting on a core linguistic foundation. 

I am looking forward to getting involved in this research project, hopefully bringing something to the table and learning even more."