Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy 2023

  • A competency development course for humanities and social science researchers
    at Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark, and Aalborg University. 



Supported by It-vest, the 2023 Digital Literacy course aims to develop skills for humanities and social science researchers to conduct research with large datasets and take advantage of new methods in for example Natural Language Processing. 

The 2023 edition will have 26 participants from AU, SDU, and AAU and will include projects on social media, life writing, art history, Japanese literature, and curriculum research.

Digital Literacy 2023 is the third edition of the Digital Literacy course (prior editions were held in 2018 and 2020). 


  • May 30, 2023 | Kick-off, sparring and introduction to data retrieval and management
  • June 9, 2023 | AI and Machine Learning in Humanities and Social Science Research
  • June 28, 2023 | Data analysis and presentation
  • Fall 2023 | Project execution
  • Spring 2024 | Closing seminars with project presentations


Kick-off, sparring and introduction to data retrieval and management
AI and Machine Learning in Humanities and Social Science Research


Due to the exponential growth of data, knowledge of computational techniques for the entire data life cycle (planning, collecting, processing, analysing, depositing, publishing) has become a necessity for all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. 

DL is an intense project-oriented course that aims to enable the individual researcher to use state-of-the-art computational techniques and digital methods in their research. Through a series of workshops, tutorials and sprints, DL participants will become capable of formulating and directing a research project using digital technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence, databases and web-scraping, to pursue core academic issues.


The course is coordinated by Center for Humanities Computing (CHC) and Faculty of Arts at AU who, together with locally based staff, also coordinate the Support-team with members from all three institutions (AU, SDU, and AAU).

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) at the bottom of this page. If your question is not answered in the FAQ, contact for general questions and CHC for technical questions.



The course is open for humanities and social science researchers from Aalborg University, Aarhus University, and University of Southern Denmark.


Please prepare the title of your project and a 150-200 words description of the data and research question you intend to work on.

All participants must formulate a research question they are working on during the process (this can be done in pairs) and point to a data set that can be used to answer the research question. Participants do not need to have the data set ready for the course.


1. How much does it cost to participate?

The course is free of charge if you are affiliated with one of the participating institutions*, and if your application is accepted. 

*The participating institutions are Aalborg University, Aarhus University, and University of Southern Denmark.

2. What is the workload?

The course includes two two-day seminars, 5-6 workshops, individual project support and sparring with colleagues. 

3. Where does the course take place?

The course will have various locations in Denmark. The kickoff seminar will take place at Sandbjerg Gods. 

4. Is the course open for PhD students?

Yes, PhD students are more than welcome to apply for a spot in the course. 

5. How do I know if my research project is relevant for the course?

You’re always welcome to get in touch with us with any questions you may have. 

You’re also welcome to take a look at the cases from previous Digital Literacy courses 2018 and 2020 to get an idea about the accepted projects from the previous course. 

If you’re a group of researchers, you’re also welcome to set up an online meeting with the organisers to get a broad introdution to the course and to sort out questions.

We’re looking forward to receiving and reviewing your application. 

6. Is it possible to attend the meetings online?

You are expected to participate in as many meetings as possible because an important component is sparring with colleagues. However, if you should be prevented from attending a meeting on-site, there’ll be an option to participate online. You are expected to participate in 2/3 of all meetings as a rule of thumb.

7. How much individual support can I get?

The individual support will be 30 hours per participant on average (including the tasks that the supporters will solve for you on their own, i.e. while you’re not sitting together and working).

8. Will there be an exam or test at the end of the course?

No, there is no test at the end of the course. We are planning to host a closing seminar with project presentations from each participant.